July 30, 2014
Calling all FreeBSD developers needing assistance with travel expenses to EuroBSDCon 2014.
The FreeBSD Foundation will be providing a limited number of travel grants to individuals requesting assistance. Please fill out and submit the Travel Grant Request Application at https://staging.freebsdfoundation.org/documents/TravelRequestForm.pdf by August 15th, 2014 to apply for this grant.
This program is open to FreeBSD developers of all sorts (kernel hackers, documentation authors, bugbusters, system administrators, etc). In some cases we are also able to fund non-developers, such as active community members and FreeBSD advocates.
If you are a speaker at the conference, we expect the conference to cover your travel costs, and will most likely not approve your direct request to us.
There’s some flexibility in the mechanism, so talk to us if something about the model doesn’t quite work for you or if you have any questions. The travel grant program is one of the most effective ways we can spend money to help support the FreeBSD Project, as it helps developers get together in the same place at the same time, and helps advertise and advocate FreeBSD in the larger community.